Os X El Capitan Cannot Be Installed On Macintosh Hd

InstalledCapitanInstalledOs x el capitan cannot be installed on macintosh hdmi

Os X El Capitan Cannot Be Installed On Macintosh Hd Computer

My machine: mid 2007 24' iMac, 2 GB RAM Intel Duo, 667MHz, 2.8GHz, 500GB HD, superdrive, OS X 10.8
The install of El Capitan, at least what I thought was the installation, took a while. A screen shows up with the 10.11 logo stating to install click continue, agree to terms and install OS, I got the option to use disk utility, time machine or recovery or click the install button. I clicked, installation (from bootable flash drive) it stated to restart, with this done a message came that there was installation media on the destination volume, try again.
I restarted and got a progress bar (Apple logo above) which never fully finished, or it did but nothing happened. After walking away for an hour or two, I powered the machine down, restarted it with the option button to get the start up disk manager but only got the apple logo and progress bar, again. I tried to start in recovery mode, also in safe mode with the progress bar appearing after each attempt.
Obviously, I cannot access the drive to remove whatever install media is present on that disk. What options do I have at this point?
Thank you

Install Os X 10.11

I can not move forward with the installation of El Capitan. This message keeps showing up reading 'OS X cannot be installed on Macintosh HD' Is there just not enough storage on my hard drive? I'm at 30.6 free GB out of 249.77 GB. I have a MacBook Air mid 2011. Processor 1.7 GHz Intel Core i5. Memory 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3. Once you’ve done that, here’s how to install, reinstall, or upgrade to El Capitan, step by step: Boot from your Recovery HD partition by restarting your Mac while holding down the Command+R keys. The OS X Utilities window appears. Select Reinstall OS X, and click Continue. The OS X El Capitan splash screen appears. Cara copy dongle software. Sep 26, 2016 El Capitan 10.11 USB installer was created from El Pwn Version.dmg and Transmac (I have no Mac), works fine, boots into OS X. I reformatted onboard 250GB HD to 1 partition Mac OS Extended (journaled), but after language selection installation stalls with the same message: OS X cannot be installed on your computer. Divinity original sin 2 definitive vendor refresh mod. I tried to clean install OS X El Capitan on my Mac, but it won’t boot from the USB drive. Here are the steps I took to create the bootable USB drive (I have a Mid-2014 MacBook Pro with Retina Display): Downloaded the latest OS X El Capitan (10.11.3) from the Mac App Store.